Come and join
a custom-built
park for the
polymers industry
KIZAD Polymers Park offers the plastics and polymers sector the distinctive advantage of connectivity, cost-efficiency, supportive environment, and various additional benefits expected of a world-class polymers hub.
Have a question? Just ask...
We’re here to listen, support and deliver.
Customer benefits
Volume rebates on raw materials available within the polymers park
Shorter transits and lower order batch sizes to reduce supply chain costs
Essential products and services in polymers value chain within the park
Large areas of serviced land plots
for future expansions
Download our brochure
Discover the benefits of location, connectivity,
and other advantages of choosing KIZAD
Key features
100% foreign
Optional dual licence for
free zone companies
No taxes and customs duty
on imports and exports
No restriction on profit and
capital repatriation